📖 Founder @ New Co | Building in the tax & compliance space.
The current thing
Building a new company in B2B fintech (tax & compliance). We’re well funded, have hired some great folks, and are heads down building with our early customers. More to come.
Occasional things
Sometimes angel invest in other startups via Loft Capital with my friend Hunter. Mostly in people we’ve known a long time and ideas we believe in.
Sometimes write about life and work. Mostly things that I’m learning in real time or as a way of processing/recording my own thoughts and experiences.
Previous things
- Head of Growth at Capital (fka Party Round, recently acquired by Rho)
- Early team at On Deck
- Invested in & incubated deep tech startups at a niche VC fund called Ikove Capital.
- Co-founded a low-speed EV company called Olympus when I was 20. Raised $1M+. Made a lot of mistakes + our original thesis was wrong. Pivoted around. My co-founders sold the company to PE in 2020. Wasn’t really a success but proud that we didn’t lose investor’s money.
Other things
- Interviewed interesting people about money and investing
- Started New York Tech Week as a growth stunt while at Capital
- Occasionally organize small group dinners of other founders and builders in NYC (ping me if you want to be invited)
- Interested in history, sci-fi, demographics, culture, religion, financial services, global macro, memes
- Other things I love — reading, running, lifting, traveling, music, coffee, poker
Reach out ⬇️